Wednesday, 28 August 2013

In other news...

katyperry121 has been around a bit recently xD Check out the pics

Saturday, 24 August 2013

A scammer?!

I think this girl tried to scam me =O
Check it out and see what you think?!
(click to enlarge)

I prepared myself for what she might do...

I made a second offer.. still she denied it, this was a knowing sign to look out for

She didn't deny it and stayed calm like she was hiding a secret (Ive been thru all this before so i can tell with the body language)

Gave her my blog adress. (didn't come out right lol)

She said cryptic things I didn't really understand and then our convo sort of just ended xD

Friday, 23 August 2013

Well hello o-o

Wow. I've not posted for ages.
I used to be so weird back then o-o
Forgive me?? xD

Here are some pics I don't remember taking. Enjoy. (Click to enlarge)
Someone with no body o-o

Some guy with no name O_O

Alishak in a chatroom opening her mouth xD

Someone who is trying to fool hollyrene that she is ishacool xDD NOT GONNA WORK!